Friday, September 26, 2008

presidential election

Tonight the 2008-2009 United States Presidential election debate is taking place at the University of Mississippi. These candidates will be discussing economic, foreign policy, warfare, and environmental issues that are problems today. During this debate the candidates will most likely not be as focused on the problem at hand, which would be foreign policy because it is thought that they wish to discuss the economic problems. This was a bad time for the presidential debate because both of the candidates will be disussing different issues.

Monday, September 8, 2008

middle east

As of right now I think that the war is almost pointless. It seems to me that in the past few years nothing has changed for the better over in the middle east, and it doesnt seem like anything will change for the better anytime soon. Currently I think that American involvement in the middle east is not needed. I think this because nothing is happening that will benefit anyone in anyway. Gas prices are skyrocketing and thousands of people are being killed for practically no reason at all. In the next five years I think that America will eventually pull out of the middle east, and have some sort of treaty worked out between the U.S. and the middle east, atleast I hope it works out that way.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Iraq war

On September 3, 2008 United States troops invaded a small town on the boarder of Pakistan and Aphganistan. The site that was attacked was a known spot for Al-Queta members. This was the first recoreded ground attack in Pakistan by U.S. troops. Although that the total number of casualties is unclear, this goes to show that even though the war was declared over almost 4 years ago, the U.S. still has their hands full with terrorism and Al-Queta. It is expected that there will be much more confusion as time goes on especially because of the upcoming presidential election.